Easy Addition and Subtraction Math Facts: 0-9
CLICK TO SEE A PREVIEW > These great worksheets cover addition and subtraction facts 0-9, presented both vertically and horizontally!...
My Number Facts
Learning number facts doesn’t have to be just flash cards and timed tests. Although both provide needed rote practice, activities...
Pumpkin Math: Halloween Craft Project
Practice addition and subtraction facts and make fall decorations with this this cute pumpkin activity. Little prep work required. Great...
Coding for Kids: 10 Screen-Free Activities to Teach Beginning Coding Skills
Coding strengthens whole brain thinking. It encourages analytical thinking, problem solving, and the ability to look at a large problem...
Code the Robot: Introduction to Variables and Conditionals
Code the Robot is a fantastic, screen-free introduction to two of the basic building blocks of coding: Variables and Conditionals....
I Have... Who Has... Bundle
“I Have Who Has?” games are a great way to practice reading, grammar and math skills with the whole class....
Turkey Patterns: Thanksgiving Craft Project
Practice math patterns and celebrate Thanksgiving with this fun turkey craft. The ability to recognize, extend and create patterns is...
More or Less Game
The More or Less Game is a super simple game that students love to play. It is a game of...
Clover Coin Counting: St. Patrick's Day Craft
Mr. Leprechaun needs help counting his coins! Students count and organize coin amounts onto shamrocks. Counting coins is a fun...
Survey Says
This fun activity is one that students will love and want to do over and over again. It gives practical...
Number-O is a great game that really gets students thinking and analyzing numbers. The object of the game is to...
I Have... Who Has... Fall
This is an easy-to-play game that is a great way to practice number recognition with the whole class. As students...
The Envelope Game - Brain Breaks Activity Pack
CLICK TO SEE A PREVIEW > This super easy and fun activity is great to use with students at the...
Create A Valentine: Shapes All Around
Valentine’s Day is all about friendship. Students can create their friendship valentines, and reinforce the names of shapes at the...
100 Day
This activity give students practice in estimation and counting time to 100 seconds as they do fun activities for the...
A variety of calendar pieces are included in this packet. In addition to the usual seasonal ones, we have included...
Christmas Tree Math: Holiday Craft Project
Practice addition and subtraction facts and make holiday decorations with this this cute Christmas tree activity. Little prep work required....
Christmas Coding: 5 Screen-Free Activities to Teach Beginning Coding Skills
Get into the holiday spirit while learning how to code! This packet of 5 Christmas-themed activities is a great introduction to...
Snowflake Math: Winter Craft Project
Practice addition and subtraction facts and make winter decorations with this cute snowflake activity. Little prep work required. Great for...
Holiday Coding: A Screen-Free Introduction to Computer Graphics